
(2002 United Nations) The Framework article link and excerpts are included in a UN-HABITAT book “Developing and Managing Professional Codes of Ethics: Resource Guide for Professional Associations Contributing to Good Local Governance” [also listed under Associations & Codes of Ethics]

(2008 USA) Colorado Department of Human Services, Eligibility & Program Integrity Section: The Framework is used in a workshop to assist Human Services workers to understand “…the difference between personal and professional ethics when assisting families who apply for, or are receiving public assistance, and to introduce the new Colorado Works Code of Ethics.” [also listed under Codes of Ethics]

(2009/2013/2018 USA) Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy: The Framework principles’ first two category lists are used as the basis for a presentation on ethics for U.S. Special Operations Forces. [Please note that the Framework author is a lifelong pacifist.]

The Instructor / Course Developer wrote [sic] “The Universal Principles of Ethics is a great way to frame further discussions and examinations on the subject of Ethical Decision Making.” Four years later, The Framework’s principles were used again by the Academy “…as they resonate perfectly across cultures and service lines” in a presentation component for new courseware, later developed into an Articulate StoryLine 360 interactive multimedia training video.

As of the most recent update in 2018, The Framework continued to be used to educate enlisted special operators in Army Special Forces and Rangers, Navy SEALs and Special Warfare Combatant Crewmen, Air Force Special Operations and Marine Special Operations.

(2010 USA) The Registry, Wisconsin: The Framework article is incorporated into a new curriculum for the Wisconsin State government to train approved consultants in how to rate early childhood programs (day care centres) and support a continuous quality improvement process.

(2012 USA) Orange County Community Corrections Division, Florida: The Framework article is used “as the basis for an internal training session on ethics” [also listed under Law]

Author’s Related Teaching/Consulting Projects:

(2004-2007 Canada) Citizenship & Immigration Canada, BC/Yukon Region: The Framework is used as the conceptual basis for six one-day seminars on “Values & Ethics at CIC” and three two-day pilot programs for managers and executives called “Leading the Public Service Values & Ethics Initiative at CIC”

A complete list of the most interesting 68 organisations to use Colero’s proposed ethics framework