
(2002 United Nations) The Framework article link and excerpts are included in a UN-HABITAT bookDeveloping and Managing Professional Codes of Ethics: Resource Guide for Professional Associations Contributing to Good Local Governance” [also listed under Government & Codes of Ethics]

(2002 USA) Atlanta Women in International Trade: The Framework is used in an attorney’s speech on business ethics [also listed under Corporations]

(2003 USA) Ethics Committee of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Counselors: The Framework’s categories of Personal and Professional principles is considered in a “rework” of the association’s Code of Ethics from a deontological approach to a principles-based approach in order to make it more specific and applicable to accrediting organizations

(2004 USA) Chicano Federation of San Diego County, California: The Framework is presented and lauded at a seminar on Ethics and Leadership Challenges by a Senior Attorney and a Superior Court Judge. Quote: “Judge Meza and I were informed that ours was the best ethics presentation that had been given for the Leadership Training Program over the years, and I feel that the credit is due, in part, to the Framework for Universal Principals of Ethics you developed. It made discussion of various issues well organized and comprehensible. Thinking of ethical issues on the three levels that you described permits people to better understand the differences that they may have with others on ethical controversies.” [also listed under Cultures]

(2010 Canada) Engineers & Geoscientists of New Brunswick: The full Framework article is used as a reference document to revise the association’s Code of Ethics and make it more globally applicable [also listed under Codes of Ethics]

(2012 & 2018 The Philippines) Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX): The complete UBC Framework article is published in hard copy as the “theoretical background” to unify a book of 12 ethics case studies in “Finance & Criminology” primarily for business and business schools. The updated Framework article is republished in a hardcover 2018 version of the book entitled “Ethics: Black, White (or Gray)?” containing 50 new case studies from both government and the private sector. [also listed under Corporations/Business]

Author’s Related Teaching/Consulting Projects:

(1997 Canada) EFAP (Employee & Family Assistance Programs) Awareness ‘97 Conference: The Framework is used as general guidance and structure to discuss contrasting organizational downsizing scenarios

(1998 Canada) Association for Co-operative Education, Annual Conference: The Framework is used by conference participants to help recognize ethical issues in their workplace, along with tools to think through dilemmas, make ethical decisions, and foster ethics in their organizations

(2008 Canada) Presentation, Case Study and Workbook on “Organizational Misbehaviour: How to Foster Ethics in Your Organization” for the British Columbia Human Resources Management Association

A complete list of the most interesting 68 organisations to use Colero’s ethics framework