Codes of Ethics

(2002 United Nations) The Framework article link and excerpts are included in a UN-HABITAT bookDeveloping and Managing Professional Codes of Ethics: Resource Guide for Professional Associations Contributing to Good Local Governance” [also listed under Government & Associations]

(2005/2006 United Kingdom) All of the Framework principles are used verbatim as the foundational principles of a Code of Ethics for the Board of Directors of The Children’s Rehabilitation Centre of Essex County [also listed under Healthcare]

(2006 USA) Concordia (Lutheran) University at Austin, Texas: The Framework is used to help Masters students in Education create codes of ethics for the course “Ethics and the Teacher in Society” [also listed under Education]

(2007 Canada) Cornwall Community Hospital, Ontario: The Framework is used by an Ethics Committee and a cross-functional employee task force to develop a code of ethics and hospital ethics program [also listed under Healthcare]

(2008 USA) Colorado Department of Human Services, Eligibility & Program Integrity Section: The Framework is used in a workshop to assist Human Services workers to understand “…the difference between personal and professional ethics when assisting families who apply for, or are receiving public assistance, and to introduce the new Colorado Works Code of Ethics.” [also listed under Government]

(2010 Canada) Engineers & Geoscientists of New Brunswick: The Framework article is used as a reference document to revise the association’s Code of Ethics and make it more globally applicable [also listed under Associations]

(2010 Turkey) Commercial Law Division, Akdeniz University, Antalya: The Framework is used to draft “The Ethical Principles and Rules of Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences” [also listed under Law and Education]

(2011 Malaysia) Sarjana, a publication of the University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: The Framework article is referenced and paraphrased to support arguments in the article “Towards a Code of Ethics in Music: Issues in Education, Music Business and Industrial Practice” [also listed under Business]

A complete list of the most interesting 68 organisations to use Colero’s ethics framework